Went to the Natural Sciences Museum in Houston with Mom, Dad and Honey. Had a great time.... Looking forward to watch the Maya 3-D vedio with her next Thursday.
1) Searching function is more powerful than I thought. You can search and replace any number, which was out of my expectation. The symbol for any number is ^#. So when you are searching some number with a "m" after it such as "3m", you will be able to find it by searching "^#m" and replace it with "^# m". That is awesome to fix the problem of missing space. 2) One of the problems that I met when using endnote is that when you cite some paper in the form of Dalrymple (2009), I have not idea how to insert that in to the reference list. This needs to be cleared for future convenience. 3) === plus Enter, can make a double line and --- plus enter makes a single line.
1) When describing directions, use North, South, West and East instead Left and Right 2) Every time using a number with a unit behind, put a space in between. 3) When start a sentence with a number, spell it out. For example "32 measured sections" should be "Thirty two sections"
It seems like I always tend to avoid the problems, troubles or issues that I have to deal with anyway. Many times that it has been proved that delay on my part won't do any good and will only make it more difficulty to solve. Feel like I am coward inside. Just can not face them and take actions.....immediately. Lessons must be learned. Troubles are not scared, avoiding is not a way it should be for a person like me. Confront them and solve them. (grain size card and swiss army problems) Both solved in a few minutes.
Today I helped Ben to set up his project. I like his study area and all the outcrop exposures. I wish that I had similar outcrop exposure when I was here the first summer. But no regret, and regret is meaningless. So look forward and move forward. Feel good that I am helping him out and they respect my opinion. I guess that is how I am fulfilling my value.
It has been few days in Utah. Cameron and Ben brought a couple of guns. We tried them. Two shotguns which are used to shoot birds and a rifle which are used to shoot bigger animals like deer or antelope. While I pull the trigger. I can clearly feel the back force that the gun put on me. Nice experience. Here are some photos.
Had a great night before moving to Hanksville in Best Western. I treated Dan and Ben with my home style steak and they treat me with beer and fresh fish they caught in the lake. And then we went to enjoy the hot top. They liked my steak a lot. Chen and Opu even said that mine are better than those cooked in the steak house. I like steak myself and am proud that I can grill it this well. A few pictures of Best Western.
This is the fourth summer I was driving to Utah. Going to the same place with different people and different assignment. Finally this time we stopped by the crossing of Colorado river and took some nice pictures. Even though the valley paper is the most in my mind, still I wanna take it easy and enjoy the month there. Here are some of the pictures.
I made a lot of commitments to myself. What I am lacking is really a planning. Start today. Make a good plan for whatever I wanna do. Use the planner Linyi gave me. And make substantial progress.
Linyi went to office depo to buy stuff for her company. Afterwards, she told me that she bought a couple of things for me. I can feel it that she has been thinking about me and I can feel her. And I guess that is love. Do not abuse it. There is one more reason that I should work hard.
Every career desire well respect. Do not be foolish and think everything else except geology is the only important thing in the world. Learning a little big of making simple web page from Shao. I felt his expertise. Every time I have that feeling. I ask myself. As a Ph.D. in geology and graduating soon. Can I provide that kind of expertise in Geology? I do not know what have fooled me that I think I know everything. So stupid.
To accumulate a little everyday. Do let a day sneak out without learning something that is meaningful. You walk steadily with every step, you paved a solid brick for the foundation.
Normally, every time i have to deal with a trouble in whatever method, either calling for technical support or checking from Google or asking a friend. I would feel so happy to get the right answer and the right way to solve the trouble. I was so confident that I will remember the method and next time if I met the problem again i will be sure to be able to solve it. However, for so many times that I was proved to be wrong on this point. I have to go through the same hard process again to solve the same problem from many times. So, now I decided to record every little tricks and skills that I learned to solve daily or work related problems, so next time I had the same problem I can come back and check how I did it last time.
Working on rewriting and fixing the first reviewed paper on "incised valleys" Bob Dalrymple and Ron Body are the two biggest guys in this area, especially in tidal related depositional environments. So many problems were revealed. I am here encouraging myself to other than beaten by these frustrating and disappointing troubles I should overcome these problems and move forward from here. Be optimistic and work hard.
This is my Fourth time attending AAPG. I would say in general it was a better experience than the previous three. I presented a poster about distributary channels. Not too bad.
Stayed in Long Beach Ca. for about a week. From April 21st to 28th. It is California, always with bright sunshine but cool breeze. The city is pretty. right by the Pacific. We stayed in the Travel lodge for the first two days, which is a few hundred meters away from the beach. Went for running on Tuesday Morning and met Janok. Food there was pretty good two. Had once a steak and tried the seabass. You definitely wanna try the seafood when you visit a coastal city. The Queen Marry was there as a museum. We did not go but took a few pictures away from it.
3月23日,还在诺曼,晚上恒恒和大盛出去买酒,我在和林沂讲电话。我鼓了鼓勇气,说出了对她的爱慕。确实像她自己说的那样,她很有控制欲,or demanding. It seems like what I have done by far were kind of led by her, but in a comfortable way. She is too smart. I am afraid that later in the future I can not hold any more someday. After further talking, I realized that she is definitely a perfect fit to me. Not sure if we are going to work out. we will see.
First time listen to her voice was on Tuesday March 28th 2012. It was so sweet. I felt that I was almost melted. You can imagine her sweet face when you hear her laughing. God, I was really eager to see her, but felt a little bit intimidated. On Saturday, Feb. 3rd, that is the first time I saw her. She was driving her Accord and her sweet face was just like I expected. Nice day in Rodeo. She is really easy going and patient. More coming.
Looking through the field pictures i took during the winter field trip and found this radiating gypsum. Like always, being amazed by the artifact of the mother nature. Especially this is the one that I found. Would you like it like I do, my future love?
This is my second used car. It is definitely a more luxury car the my former Accord. It has functions like heated seat, side airbags, moon window, reverse mirror, Bose stereo, and so on. You name it. I just learned that TL means total luxury. Only one problem with it is that it drinks gas like a monster. A couple of pics of it.
You have been staying with me for almost 3 year. Really a good friend. It is so sad I have to say goodbye. Although I get an Acura. You will still be my favorite. I am sorry, I did not even take good pictures of you. But this is one of the few pictures that we were together. Just in memory of you, my friend. I will miss you.
I was planning to visit this park for a long time. This Sunday was a nice day with a bit of cloud. The five of us: I, Hengheng, Dasheng, Yanzi and Jianqiao went there together. It is a very nice park, with pretty lakes, big trees, rivers, and many different kinds of animals especially those alligator.