
Showing posts from May, 2013

Reading a book

I am getting close to finish the book "悲惨世界"。 Had read more than 2/3 of it. And I am more than half way through a book called "The third option". Political conspiracy novel by Flynn. Very interesting. And I found out that there is a whole series about 10 book on the same topic, which sounds very good to me.


We went crabing on Sunday with Zhang and Xie. It happened that the fishing tournament was on the same day at Galveston. Traffic was very bad. It took about 4 hours to get to the pillar. We did not catch much crabs. But I caught 4 at a time, breaking of my own record of 3 at a time before.

Reading a couple of books

I have been reading a couple of books recently, Janok introduce the "The Satanic verses" which I read about 1/10th. It is nothing that I can understand. I have spent more than a month reading "悲惨世界“。 有些臃肿,很多的社会背景的内容,但是信息丰富,关键的情节还是很吸引人的。不管如何,名著总是有些吸引人的地方的。

It has been more than two month

I have worked here for more than two month. In general I like it. John is a pretty nice boss. John, Yang Sen, Rena, and Yang Rongsheng are all good colleague. Work is not very stressful. I feel pretty relaxed even that I work pretty hard during the day. I think they like me. Both John, Rena and Dr. Lu say high of me. I am glad. However, I an still in the process of looking for better jobs. Better, I mean not only with high salary and benefits, but an environment more challenging and with more intelligent people. That way I can grow faster and stronger.