
Showing posts from May, 2012

Feeling my value

Today I helped Ben to set up his project. I like his study area and all the outcrop exposures. I wish that I had similar outcrop exposure when I was here the first summer. But no regret, and regret is meaningless. So look forward and move forward. Feel good that I am helping him out and they respect my opinion. I guess that is how I am fulfilling my value.

first time shooting a gun

It has been few days in Utah. Cameron and Ben brought a couple of guns. We tried them. Two shotguns which are used to shoot birds and a rifle which are used to shoot bigger animals like deer or antelope. While I pull the trigger. I can clearly feel the back force that the gun put on me. Nice experience. Here are some photos.

Moved back to Hanksvile

Had a great night before moving to Hanksville in Best Western. I treated Dan and Ben with my home style steak and they treat me with beer and fresh fish they caught in the lake. And then we went to enjoy the hot top. They liked my steak a lot. Chen and Opu even said that mine are better than those cooked in the steak house. I like steak myself and am proud that I can grill it this well. A few pictures of Best Western.

Fourth summer to Utah

This is the fourth summer I was driving to Utah. Going to the same place with different people and different assignment. Finally this time we stopped by the crossing of Colorado river and took some nice pictures. Even though the valley paper is the most in my mind, still I wanna take it easy and enjoy the month there. Here are some of the pictures.

Commitment is nothing without a good planning

I made a lot of commitments to myself. What I am lacking is really a planning. Start today. Make a good plan for whatever I wanna do. Use the planner Linyi gave me.  And make substantial  progress. 


时间如白驹过隙,一别四年,宛如一晃。 时间崔人老,不想妈妈的额头是否又平添皱纹,头上是否又增白发? 今天趁母亲节之际,记述一些发生在妈妈身上的趣事,来抒发自己对妈妈的牵挂和思念。 妈妈没上过什么学,所以识字不多,然而却深知读书的重要,决心培养我和姐姐,弟弟读书。记得我上学前,家里简直就是一个小赌场,几乎天天有人来打麻将,

Feel love

Linyi went to office depo to buy stuff for her company. Afterwards, she told me that she bought a couple of things for me. I can feel it that she has been thinking about me and I can feel her. And I guess that is love. Do not abuse it. There is one more reason that I should work hard.

Learning to make simple web

Every career desire well respect. Do not be foolish and think everything else except geology is the only important thing in the world. Learning a little big of making simple web page from Shao. I felt his expertise. Every time I have that feeling. I ask myself. As a Ph.D. in geology and graduating soon. Can I provide that kind of expertise in Geology? I do not know what have fooled me that I think I know everything. So stupid. 


To accumulate a little everyday. Do let a day sneak out without learning something that is meaningful. You walk steadily with every step, you paved a solid brick for the foundation.  

keep the feeling

It feels so good to get something done. This is what I believe can bring true happiness to people. So try to keep this feeling.


“四川”这个名称,始见于宋代。 宋真宗咸平四年 (1001年)设益、梓、利、夔四州路,分别为今成都、三台、汉中和奉节。 这四路,一般称为川峡四路,简称为“四川”。 在宋徽宗大观三年 (1109年)的诏书中就正式使用了“四川”一词......。


东岳泰山 在山东省 西岳华山 在陕西省 南岳恒山 在山西省 北岳衡山 在湖南省 中岳嵩山 在河南省


湖南和湖北是以洞庭湖为分界 山西和山东是以太行山为分界 河南和河北是以漳河为分界,是西门豹治邺故事中那条河,不是黄河,因为黄河穿河南而过 鄱阳湖在江西境内,在南昌东部 嘉峪关在甘肃 山海关在秦皇岛 居庸关在北京  




重读 戴尔 卡内基的 《人性的弱点》。 对我人生影响最深刻的一本书。

The picture that I like the most by far

Two sided, as she is. It will be great if she can clam down and control her emotion when she feels there is something she does not like.

a skill to make life and work easier

Normally, every time i have to deal with a trouble in whatever method, either calling for technical support or checking from Google or asking a friend. I would feel so happy to get the right answer and the right way to solve the trouble. I was so confident that I will remember the method and next time if I met the problem again i will be sure to be able to solve it. However, for so many times that I was proved to be wrong on this point. I have to go through the same hard process again to solve the same problem from many times. So, now I decided to record every little tricks and skills that I learned to solve daily or work related problems, so next time I had the same problem I can come back and check how I did it last time.

Paper review

Working on rewriting and fixing the first reviewed paper on "incised valleys"  Bob Dalrymple and Ron Body are the two biggest guys in this area, especially in tidal related depositional environments. So many problems were revealed. I am here encouraging myself to other than beaten by these frustrating and disappointing troubles I should overcome these problems and move forward from here. Be optimistic and work hard. 


作者 卡尔·麦 ,德国作家。

A gift to her

Life's little instructions.


This is my Fourth time attending AAPG. I would say in general it was a better experience than the previous three. I presented a poster about distributary channels. Not too bad.

Long Beach

Stayed in Long Beach Ca. for about a week. From April 21st to 28th. It is California, always with bright sunshine but cool breeze. The city is pretty. right by the Pacific. We stayed in the Travel lodge for the first two days, which is a few hundred meters away from the beach. Went for running on Tuesday Morning and met Janok. Food there was pretty good two. Had once a steak and tried the seabass. You definitely wanna try the seafood when you visit a coastal city. The Queen Marry was there as a museum. We did not go but took a few pictures away from it.