
Showing posts from June, 2012

Skills in revising a paper in word

1) Searching function is more powerful than I thought. You can search and replace any number, which was out of my expectation. The symbol for any number is ^#.  So when you are searching some number with a "m" after it such as "3m", you will be able to find it by searching "^#m" and replace it with "^# m". That is awesome to fix the problem of missing space. 2) One of the problems that I met when using endnote is that when you cite some paper in the form of Dalrymple (2009), I have not idea how to insert that in to the reference list. This needs to be cleared for future convenience. 3) === plus Enter, can make a double line and --- plus enter makes a single line.

tips learned from paper review

1) When describing directions, use North, South, West and East instead Left and Right 2) Every time using a number with a unit behind, put a space in between. 3) When start a sentence with a number, spell it out. For example "32 measured sections" should be "Thirty two sections"

Words that are different from "American" and "English" English

For geology: Analyze-analyse Favor-favour Meter-metre Characterize-characterise Paleogeography-palaeogeography

Face them and solve them

It seems like I always tend to avoid the problems, troubles or issues that I have to deal with anyway. Many times that it has been proved that delay on my part won't do any good and will only make it more difficulty to solve. Feel like I am coward inside. Just can not face them and take actions.....immediately.  Lessons must be learned. Troubles are not scared, avoiding is not a way it should be for a person like me. Confront them and solve them. (grain size card and swiss army problems) Both solved in a few minutes.


《布兰诗歌》(Carmina Burana)是一部十三世纪的神秘诗稿,它深藏在巴伐利亚修道院内多少世纪不为人知, 一旦被公之于众后震惊世人,它是目前所知的保存最为完整的也最具艺术价值的中世纪诗歌。仿佛它来自天国, 而非人间产品。 二十世纪德国作曲家卡尔•奥尔夫(Carl Orff 1895—1982)长期生活在巴伐利亚,他从这部诗稿中选取25首诗歌, 谱成这部《布兰诗歌》,分"春天"、"酒"、"爱"三个主题。 序诗部分壮美凝重,作曲家仿佛企图借助吟唱与谛听来建立起一座神庙;正歌的第一部分 "春天",轻快、 明亮中蕴涵着悠远,合唱男女声部交替呈现宛如时序中的昼夜变化;第二部分"酒馆"则是一片世俗景象, 唱腔中运用优伶式的假声与转调,有如在描绘一个假面聚会的场景中人们醉生梦死的世态;但奇怪地是, 欢腾的场面似有幽灵掠过的阴冷;第三部分"爱"中,有着对爱的渴望的宣泄和对爱的忧伤的赞美, 以及对情欲的质朴的歌唱,其中,女声吟唱"In truitina"(In the balance)华美而凄艳, 已经成为演唱会中的经典保留曲目。 作曲家卡尔•奥尔夫在继承古典作曲法基础上加入新式旋律,他在"表现主义"的影响下运用了新原始主义元素, 节奏上加重打击乐成分,使《布兰诗歌》将中世纪的游吟与现代歌咏结合得非常完美。 《布兰诗歌》充满了令人惊奇的成分和戏剧性,它大开大阖,既有雄壮的呐喊,又有委婉的咏叹, 犹如汹涌的急流撞向岩石发出澎湃的声响,又如潺潺小溪蜿蜒地流向柔软的草滩。乐队与唱咏交相辉映; 令人震撼的打击乐像是命运的召唤,有着强烈的扣击灵魂的效果。《布兰诗歌》是一曲对生命的赞歌, 似乎有神的目光在暗中注视。它在三个主题引导下微妙地涉及了"信仰"、"死亡"等动机, 调性既有着世俗的欢乐成分,又有着史诗般的恢弘气势。其中所隐含的真正的动机,则是对短暂人生的垂怜、 惋惜和哀叹。借用里尔克的诗句来描绘这部作品就是:"真正的怜悯之神,他来时威风凛凛, 光芒/耀眼地向周围传播,跟诸神一样。/比吹着安稳的大船的风更强。" 专...